5 October، 2023

Visiting professor

In the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, a number of members of the College Council, and the President and members of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Mosul, and within the visiting professor program and in the context of our college’s communication with international universities, our college hosted Dr. Kelsi on Sunday, October 1, 2023. Director of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Ulster in the United Kingdom, who gave a scientific lecture, which she began by offering her deep thanks and great respect to the dean of the college, in which she touched on education and its relationship to peacebuilding, referring to the conflicts that took place in Northern Ireland, their history, their causes, and their parties. A statistical introduction to the victims of conflicts, outlining the ethics of research in collecting Data to reach the facts, introducing specialized scientific questions that the scientific researcher must ask himself to collect data related to areas witnessing conflicts, touching on the accuracy of the results that can be reached, indicating the relationship between local and international researchers and how to cooperate to reach the desired results, then he directed the attendees, including teachers and researchers. Academics and students have many questions and inquiries about the topic of the lecture that were answered in detail by those in charge of it. This lecture comes within the series of scientific, cultural, academic and research activities of our college aimed at scientific advancement and research investigation of everything that is new and innovative in the field of general and precise specialization by reviewing global developments. In legal specializations, the role of this is in providing scientific expertise and new information that contribute to providing studies and research that have a role in developing accurate solutions for everything that is new. The Dean of the College also presented a certificate of appreciation to the guest of our college in appreciation and appreciation for her efforts in scientific research and cognitive investigation.


