8 October، 2023

scientific reseach

The first scientific conference of the Faculty of Law at Nineveh University,,,
Professor Dr. Taima Mahmoud Fawzi, one of the teaching staff of the private law branch of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, participated in the work of the first scientific conference titled (Law and the Digital World), which was held by the College of Law at the University of Nineveh for the period 24-25 September 2023. Participation was represented in the scientific research titled (Proving the Electronic Contract) within the work of the axis Private law and the digital world. This participation comes within a series of scientific, research and academic activities for our college’s teachers and members to participate in the activities and events held by universities, colleges, and national and international scientific, research and community institutions, and this contributes to providing scientific studies and specialized research that has its role in providing legal solutions for everything that is new. It was developed on the ground, and the research witnessed a distinguished interaction from the attendees and participants, who asked many questions and inquiries about the research and the explanations it included, which were answered in detail.

