16 October، 2023

community study

Based on the directives of the Presidency of the University of Mosul, represented by Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, and the members of the University Council, on the importance of community interaction and communication, and in accordance with the plans of the Deanship and Council of the College of Law to work on spreading legal culture among the various groups and segments of society, in addition to communication and interaction with state departments and institutions, it has been Completion of the community study entitled (Towards Approval of a National Strategy to Confront Suicide in Iraq), which was completed by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi and submitted to the Ministry of the Interior/General Directorate of Community Police/Ninawa Office. The study addressed the phenomenon of suicide, which is one of the most prominent challenges facing Human societies are facing at the present time in terms of the multiplicity of its causes and motives, as it has become a new challenge to the work of international governmental and non-governmental organizations. Therefore, the study clarified the concept of suicide, its definition, the growing risk of it in Iraq, and the importance of adopting a national strategy to confront suicide in Iraq by activating the role of the media, developing the work of health institutions and providing Appropriate financial support to treat cases of addiction, as well as providing medical treatments for mentally ill patients. The study produced results that showed the seriousness of the phenomenon of suicide and the importance of finding practical mechanisms to ensure the development of actual solutions to the risks of suicide, as well as the importance of expanding studies and scientific research concerned with discussing suicide and its legal, social and psychological aspects and dimensions. This study comes within a series of scientific, practical, research and academic studies aimed at achieving a parallel between theoretical study and its practical applications and the role of this in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the systems, laws and instructions that govern public life in its various aspects and then working to provide recommendations documented by specialized studies and working to issue modern legislation. Or modify what is existing, especially since successive life developments may impose new situations and novel phenomena that require urgent treatments and solutions.


