16 October، 2023

Human communication across the spectrum of society

On Thursday, October 12, 2023, Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, headed the delegation of our college that visited the Syriac Catholic Diocese of Mosul Center in the Hamdaniya district. Our college delegation was also accompanied by the delegation of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Mosul, which was headed by Dr. Qabas Hassan Awad, where they met The two visiting delegations were accompanied by Bishop Mar Bendix Younan, the shepherd of the diocese, and Father Priest Behnam Benouka, the episcopal vicar of the diocese. The two visiting delegations offered their condolences to our people in the Al-Haytham Hall incident in the Hamdaniya district, asking the Almighty God for mercy for the martyrs, patience and solace for their families, families and lovers, and a speedy recovery for the wounded and injured. The dean of the college and the president of the college also offered The UNESCO Chair and the members of the two visiting delegations gave a detailed explanation of the humanitarian role of our college, with its scientific framework, in demonstrating societal cohesion among the spectrum of our dear people, based on love, solidarity, and working together hand in hand in order to build a prosperous, advanced Iraq, with reference to the scientific, research, and academic studies presented by our college’s professors and researchers in Improving the human reality at the national and international levels. For their part, both His Excellency the pastor of the diocese and his episcopal deputy expressed their happiness for the university visit, which represented societal cohesion among the spectrum of the Iraqi people, while praising the distinguished role and unlimited effort provided by the people of the city of Mosul and its governmental institutions in supporting and assisting the families of the martyrs. With assistance in rescuing the wounded and injured, this visit comes in the context of expressing the extent of the great sadness that grips the hearts of the Iraqi people in general and the people of Mosul in particular as a result of the painful incident. It also represents an expression of the bonds of affection and love that bring together the Iraqis in a fragrant bouquet whose basil is filled with the scent of roses and flowers to enhance The national, popular and societal unity of the people of our Iraq, including the beautiful Mosul fabric with its flourishing names and colors. 



