27 October، 2023

An instructive lecture on the dangers of explosives

On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, the College of Law at the University of Mosul hosted a number of members of the Explosives Control Directorate/Explosives Control Department in Nineveh, where an advisory lecture was given in which the role of the above Directorate in dealing with and preventing explosives was explained, along with providing instructions that emphasized the importance of staying away from objects. Strange things and not to gather together after any explosion to avoid any other explosion, which is called a double explosion. Also, not to pick up or touch electrical appliances and mobile phones thrown in the open, as well as to ensure that public transportation is free of any foreign objects, and the importance of informing the competent authorities on the number 404 in the event of Seeing any foreign object, therefore, adhering to the above would achieve a safe and stable society. The lecture explained the types of explosives and how to use them, explaining the mechanism for dealing with them by the authorities, while also mentioning the distinguished technical effort of members of the Explosives Control Directorate in dealing with explosives in order to neutralize them and reduce their danger. As well as the government efforts made to develop the capabilities of workers in the field of combating explosives. The lecture witnessed a video presentation of the various types of explosives and the mechanism adopted to avoid them and prevent their dangers. The lecture also touched on the types of fires and how to deal with them, extinguish them, and reduce their danger in cooperation with the Civil Defense Directorate by calling 115, The lecture witnessed the presence of the Dean of the College, the members of the College Council, its affiliates, and its students, who asked many questions and inquiries about the topic of the lecture, which were answered in detail by those in charge of it. In conclusion, the Dean of the College, represented by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, presented certificates of appreciation to the distinguished guests in appreciation. For their role in raising community awareness about the dangers of explosives.

