7 November، 2023

Knowledge cooperation between community police and the Faculty of Law

On Wednesday, the first of November 2023, Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, received the Director of the Community Police in Nineveh Governorate, Colonel Abdullah Al-Jubouri. Ways of joint cooperation between our college and the Community Police were discussed, including introducing the role of the Community Police and its tasks in maintaining… The stability of society and the security of its members and the extent of the possibility of benefiting from the expertise of members of the community police within the scope of specialized theoretical studies in our college. For his part, the Dean of our college expressed the college’s readiness to provide scientific studies and specialized research that address any modern and emerging issue that could have an impact on societal cohesion and stability, and the visit comes. In the context of our college’s endeavor to communicate and interact with societal and practical institutions in a way that contributes to achieving correlation between theoretical study and its practical applications.

