19 November، 2023

international Day

International Day for the Prevention of the Use of the Environment in Conflict
The undeclared victim environment
The environment constitutes the place in which a person exists, affects and is affected by it, and because of that mutual influence, a person may work to sustain and preserve the environment, but at the same time he works, intentionally or unintentionally, to damage and destroy the environment, by wasting its energy and destroying it in various ways, including military conflicts, and based on… Such importance lies in the necessity of preserving the environment. The General Assembly, by its resolution A/RES/56/4 of November 5, 2001, declared November 6 of each year as the International Day for Preventing the Use of the Environment in Wars and Military Conflicts. Water wells have been polluted, crops burned, forests cut down, soil poisoned, and animals killed for military gain.
Furthermore, UNEP found that at least forty percent of internal conflicts over the past sixty years were linked to the exploitation of natural resources, whether high-value resources, such as timber, diamonds, gold, and oil, or rare resources, such as fertile land. And water. It was also found that the chances of escalating conflicts double if they are linked to natural resources.
This left a negative image on the environment through its complete lack of benefit in some areas and its failure to provide benefit to humans, the first to exploit it and the first to cause its harm, compared to the methods that humans use to protect and preserve it. On May 27, 2016, the United Nations Environment Assembly adopted a resolution in which it recognized The Council emphasized the role of healthy ecosystems and sustainably managed resources in reducing the risks of armed conflict, and reaffirmed its strong commitment to fully implementing the sustainable development goals included in General Assembly resolution 70/1, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
Therefore, preserving a sustainable environment is one of the goals of the United Nations to achieve it through national and international efforts through awareness of the importance of the environment and its fundamental role in human life, the impact of disputes and conflicts on the environment and the effects they leave that extend for thousands of years. The environment that witnessed wars and conflicts is still contaminated with radiation that has been reflected in it. It depends on the human being in his life and health, so we find that the environment is a trust in our hands.. It requires our responsibility that we all join together to preserve it because it is the environment for future generations as well.

