17 December، 2023
International day
International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide,,,
The crime of genocide constitutes one of the four types of crimes referred to in Article Five of the Rome Statute of 1998, under which the permanent International Criminal Court was formed in The Hague, along with crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. The crime of genocide also has objective importance as it is a crime committed against… A group belonging to one sect or race, which is defined as crimes of murder, inflicting serious physical or mental harm, or imposing measures aimed at preventing birth, forcibly transferring children to another group, or deliberately subjecting others to living conditions with the intent of their actual destruction. It is a crime committed against a national or ethnic group or Ethnic or religious, with the intention of destroying them, in whole or in part, as stated in Article VI of the Rome Statute of 1998.
It is worth noting that on the ninth of December of each year, based on what the Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide states, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted, which is a decisive global commitment made immediately prior to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the founding of the United Nations and in accordance with the General Assembly resolution. 323/69 of September 29, 2015. That day became known as the International Day to Commemorate and Honor the Victims of Genocide and to Prevent this Crime. Consequently, the international community witnessed the concluding of an international convention (the Genocide Convention), which codified for the first time the crime of genocide in international law, and its preamble recognizes that Genocide has inflicted huge losses on humanity in all periods of history, and international cooperation is required to liberate humanity from this heinous scourge. To date, 153 countries have ratified the Convention, and achieving full global ratification of the Convention – as well as ensuring its full implementation – remains necessary for progress to be made. Effective in preventing this crime, whose Convention includes the obligation not only to implement punishment for its perpetrators, but also to prevent it decisively. In the seventy-five years that followed its adoption, the Genocide Convention had an important role in developing international criminal law, holding the perpetrators of this crime accountable, stimulating efforts to prevent it, and giving a voice to its victims.
This year’s event in 2023 to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Genocide Convention focuses on the topic (A Living Force in the Global Community: The Legacy of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide). This event is intended to highlight some of the achievements that emerged from the Convention, highlight its legacy, and recall the efforts Which led to its formulation and adoption. The event will also showcase the challenges that still face its effective implementation and why genocide still poses a threat in today’s world.
International Days Committee/
Human rights law branch/
collage of rights/
University of Al Mosul