26 December، 2023

Master’s thesis in the public law branch on legal mechanisms to combat the phenomenon of desertification,,,
On Thursday, December 21, 2023, the Public Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul discussed a master’s thesis on legal mechanisms to combat the phenomenon of desertification, part of which was banned by Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim al-Saadi, Dean of the College, and a number of members of the Council. The college and its teachers.
The thesis submitted by student Khader Tariq Fathi in the Public Law branch dealt with the phenomenon of desertification, which is considered one of the most dangerous problems facing the entire world at the present time, and its effects extend to all countries due to the serious effects it leaves on the environment, humans, food, and the resulting social, economic, and political effects.
The message aims to show that desertification is a global problem that concerns all countries, even if these countries do not suffer from it because of its negative effects that extend to all countries as well as humans and food. In addition, human activities in their various forms are what have contributed to increasing the rate of desertification in the world, and among these activities are Incorrect use of fertilizers and pesticides, clearing forests and modern industries and their waste, and reducing the proportion of water in downstream countries, as all of them have contributed to the occurrence and increase of desertification.
The discussion committee was headed by Professor Dr. Muhammad Younis Yahya, the membership was Assistant Professor Dr. Iyad Younis Muhammad, the Assistant Professor Dr. Suhad Abdul-Jamal Abdul Karim, and the membership and supervision of Professor Dr. Raqeeb Muhammad Jassim.