26 December، 2023

Celebration honoring top students at the College of Law at the University of Mosul,,,
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision and presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Neamat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, and the members of the College Council, our college held on Thursday, December 21, 2023, a celebration in which the top preliminary students/morning/evening students of the year were honored. Academic year 2022-2023, where the celebration began with a welcoming speech to the attendees and distinguished guests, and the reading of Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of the most generous of us all. Then Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, gave his speech, at the beginning of which he congratulated our dear students on their scientific excellence and cognitive success, which is evidence of their determination and overcoming all difficulties. On their academic journey, he extends his heartfelt congratulations in advance, explaining to them that excellence is not inherited and is not taken from anyone, but rather to those who work hard and work hard. This day was designated for those who worked hard and arrived. Congratulations to you for your hard work and excellence, and we appreciate the efforts of the college’s professors and teachers, who played a distinguished role in what our dear students have achieved.
Then Assistant Professor Dr. Luqman Othman Ahmed, Chairman of the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Committee in our college, gave his speech in which he appreciated the efforts of the college cadres in building scientific capabilities that contribute to the process of progress and prosperity in our dear Iraq, thanking the dean of the college and the members of the college council for their efforts in supporting the establishment of this activity. ,,
Then I recited a number of poems, chants, and poems that sang of my love for Iraq and the efforts made for scientific excellence and cognitive advancement,,,
Then the Deanship of the College presented certificates of appreciation to our outstanding students,,,,
Congratulations to you, our dear ones, for your scientific excellence and cognitive prosperity.
Congratulations to our Iraq’s creative energies,,,
Congratulations to our projects, our university and our college, which contribute to progress and prosperity.
We wish our students a happy life filled with love and happiness.