27 December، 2023
Scientific Symposium

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law, the Women’s Empowerment Committee in our college, in cooperation with the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the Presidency of the University of Mosul, held on Sunday, December 24, 2023, the scientific symposium entitled Violations of Women’s Rights. During armed conflicts / the Palestinian woman is a model, who began by reciting Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of the most generous of us all. Then Dr. Soha Hamid Saleem, head of the Women’s Empowerment Committee in our college, gave her speech, which she began with prayers and peace be upon the best of messengers, our master Muhammad, peace be upon him. He completed the greeting and welcomed the gentlemen of the president and members of the college council. Praising the militant role of Palestinian women in confronting the Zionist killing and destruction machine, in addition to their role in family life and community upbringing for generations who took upon themselves the task of combating the brutal occupation of the Prophet’s Shrine, the first Qibla, and the Third of the Two Holy Mosques, touching on the historical sequence of the Palestinian issue at the international and national levels, with the importance of maintaining awareness of adherence to the homeland. And the land, then the scientific session began, headed by Professor Dr. Sevan Pakrad Mesrob and Dr. Nagham Abdel Sattar Muhammad as rapporteur, which witnessed the presentation of a number of research papers that touched on the role of women in humanitarian relief operations and their protection during armed conflicts, with an explanation of the concepts of humanitarian relief and assistance, its types, agencies providing relief, and its rules and provisions, along with Referring to the role of the international community in providing legal protection for women, as well as explaining the mechanisms for protecting the rights of Palestinian female prisoners and detainees in the occupation prisons, with reference to the violations to which the Palestinian people in general and women in particular are exposed to violations of their rights approved by international conventions and instruments, with a statement of international protection mechanisms. Reference was also made to the legal protection of women during armed conflicts stipulated in the Four Geneva Conventions and the two protocols attached to them, considering that women are civilian persons, with an explanation of the types of protection for women. The symposium also touched on the responsibility of the Zionist occupation authority for the crime of forced displacement of Palestinian women and a statement of the concept. This crime and its elements, noting that the occupation is a temporary state regardless of the duration, as the state maintains its sovereignty, addressing the stages of the Zionist occupation of the Palestinian territories from 1948 until the present, and the crimes committed by the occupation authorities against the Palestinians, and explaining the role of the women of Gaza in confronting violations of the law. The International Humanitarian Commission, with an explanation of the types of violations to which Palestinian women were exposed, which are considered a violation of the provisions and rules of international law. It also touched on the importance of protecting Palestinian women from forced displacement and explained the suffering of the Palestinians and the repeated displacement they were subjected to during the stages of the Palestinian issue without providing any international protection or taking an international position. Against the Zionist crimes towards the Palestinian people. The workshop also referred to the civil liability resulting from violence against women, where civil liability lies towards the perpetrator of the harm, in addition to the right of the injured person to demand compensation to redress the damage, with an explanation of the impact of the Zionist isolation wall on some of the rights of Palestinian women, which is the wall erected by the occupation authority that separates East Jerusalem from West Jerusalem and the impact of this wall on the right to education, freedom and movement, as well as the right to form a family. The symposium also highlighted the role of Palestinian public facilities in providing services during armed conflicts, pointing to the concept of a public facility that provides services under the supervision of the public authority in the state and its contribution to achieving societal stability. Therefore, protecting it is necessary in accordance with national legislation and international instruments, while clarifying the role of women in resolving armed conflicts, especially since Palestinian women had a clear influence in the stages of the Palestinian struggle by joining organizations that fight the occupation authority as well as joining Palestinian parties. Then Dr. Soha Muhammad Tayyeb delivered a speech. The official of the Women’s Empowerment Committee at the Presidency of the University of Mosul gave her speech in which she praised the role of our college and its Women’s Empowerment Committee in holding activities and events that address questions and issues that have a direct impact on women’s lives, their fate, their rights and their foundations, as they are a basic societal pillar that contributes to the perpetuation and continuation of life. Then the assistant professor, Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, delivered his speech in which he expressed his happiness in holding this activity, which deals with a vital topic presented on the international scene, while stating the importance of this activity in providing support to the Palestinian cause, appreciating the role of the preparatory committee in holding this activity, and praising the struggle of the Palestinian people in all its categories and segments. In the face of the brutal Zionist aggression, then the attendees, including researchers, academics, and those interested in legal affairs, asked many questions and inquiries about the subject of the symposium, which were answered in detail by those in charge of it. Then the Dean of the College presented certificates of appreciation to the Chairman and members of the Preparatory Committee and the researchers in appreciation of their efforts in establishing this activity, which It comes within a series of scientific, research, cultural and student activities of our college during the current academic year 2023-2024.