28 December، 2023
calendar exam

Based on its mission and policy to develop the educational environment, strengthen its scientific foundations, and measure and improve the quality of its outputs, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research decided to adopt the evaluation examination between public and private universities and colleges since the academic year 2021-2022 in the field of medical and health specializations. The Ministry directed public and private universities and colleges to form committees. Specialized, headed by the heads of the deans’ committees of the relevant colleges, to prepare a bank of questions and answers for the basic subjects covered in the evaluation exam, develop an examination map for each subject, and prepare the appropriate examination environment, while the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority is responsible for following up on the requirements for the sobriety of evaluation tests and the mechanisms for their implementation. With the success of this experiment, the new academic year 2023 has witnessed. -2024 Expanding the scope of specializations covered by the evaluation exam to include eight specializations, including law. Thus, a new qualitative leap will be achieved to improve the quality of education in various Iraqi universities and a new scientific achievement will be added to the series of achievements achieved in the service of our beloved Iraq,,,
In order to learn the details of this exam and the mechanism for performing it in light of the official books contained on it, the Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division at the College of Law at the University of Mosul prepared a guide for the evaluation exam, which included several paragraphs as an honest and humble contribution aimed at introducing this exam.