22 January، 2024
Scientific conference

The relationship between democracy and governance systems,,,
Assistant Professor Dr. Luqman Othman Ahmed/Human Rights Law Branch and Professor Dr. Muhammad Izzat Fadel/Public Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul participated for the period 19-20 January 2024 in the work of the scientific conference entitled (The Relationship between Democracy and Regimes), which was held by the Iraqi Foundation for Democracy. And elections, the International Association for Constitutional Law, the Iraqi University, the Arab League for Constitutional Law, and the Human Rights Program at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, which witnessed the distinguished participation of a number of researchers and academics from inside and outside Iraq. The conference addressed the development of the relationship between democracy and systems of government, and in particular how The performance of democratic institutions when facing challenges, in addition to the role that populism plays in supporting illiberal or non-democratic countries. The participation of our college teachers in the work of the above conference comes in the context of its deanship’s plans and programs in scientific openness and cognitive interaction with national and international scientific research and academic institutions and the contribution of this to the work. To develop skills and develop scientific and research capabilities in the field of general and specific specializations, in addition to the resulting specialized scientific outputs that contribute to scientific construction and societal advancement through the distinguished services they provide throughout our dear Iraq.