22 January، 2024
The role of the Faculty of Law in combating drugs

Out of the keenness of the Deanship of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, represented by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, the members of the College Council, its scientific and administrative staff, and its students, to achieve societal stability and contribute to building a conscious human personality that contributes to building, progress, and prosperity, and for the purpose of perpetuating development plans throughout our dear Iraq, it has always The Deanship of the College is committed to contributing to community awareness of the dangers of phenomena and pests that may rise to the level of crimes that have a role in destroying the individual and society. For the sake of a drug-free Iraq, the Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division issued a guide to our college’s procedures in combating drugs, which includes the college’s scientific, research, cultural, and community activities. Scientific seminars, training workshops, discussion seminars, awareness-raising lectures, master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, introductory bulletins, and community studies have shown the dangers of drugs on the health of the individual and the family, which is the basis for building society, while explaining the effects of drugs on society, which is the basis for progress in its various fields and specializations. The above activities have also shown ways to ensure To combat this phenomenon, with an explanation of government measures and the role of its official agencies in reducing it, in addition to a statement of the rule of law in this regard. The above guide comes within the series of official publications of our college that aim to raise community awareness of the dangers of negative behaviors and phenomena that hinder intellectual progress and human awareness of the individual and society’s path to advancement and prosperity.