22 July، 2024
Scientific activities for the legal clinic

The Legal Clinic at the College of Law at the University of Mosul participates in a number of international and local scientific activities for the period 6-11 July 2024,,,
Based on an invitation from the Francophone University Agency AuF, the Legal Clinic at the College of Law at the University of Mosul participated in the training workshop that was held in the Jordanian capital, Amman, with the participation of a number of partner universities in the Legal Clinic, which witnessed the training of students from the above universities on the programs of the Legal Clinic, which also had participation. And in attendance at the international scientific conference entitled (Enhancing the Access of Vulnerable Groups to Law and Rights through University Legal Clinics), which was held at the University of Jordan in cooperation with the United Nations and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the delegation of the Legal Clinic of the University of Mosul also participated in the training workshop in which It includes a number of Iraqi universities, during which students of the above universities were trained on one of the facts of international humanitarian law. The above local and international participations represented the interactive role of the College of Law and the University of Mosul in scientific and research work. Representatives of our college and university were also awarded certificates of appreciation in appreciation of the efforts made in supporting the two paths. Scientific and research.