2 September، 2024

Nineveh Vision 2030

Participation in the activities of the closing conference of the public participation project for the draft (Nineveh Vision 2030), under the slogan (Our Vision is Human First),,,
Assistant Professor Dr. Luqman Othman Ahmed, one of the lecturers in the Human Rights Law Department at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, participated in the activities of the closing conference of the public participation project for the draft of Nineveh Vision 2030, which was held under the slogan (Our Vision is Human First). The participation was represented by an intervention during which the public participation project was praised in preparing the draft of Nineveh Vision 2030, and the necessity that public participation not be limited to preparing the draft, but rather to continue this participation in preparing plans and approving projects and their budgets, while monitoring their progress and methods of spending on them and informing the public of everything related to the work of the local government in its executive and legislative aspects, with the importance of opening channels of communication with citizens and involving them in decisions related to their affairs and needs in a way that preserves their dignity, protects their rights and fulfills their desires for a decent life. In order for this draft to enjoy credibility and the public’s solidarity with it, it must be coupled with tangible actions From the local government in Nineveh Governorate so that the citizen in Nineveh can sense its results. The above conference witnessed a governmental and parliamentary presence, with the attendance of the head of the parliamentary education committee, the Minister of Culture, the governor of Nineveh, his deputies, his assistants, his advisors, a number of members of the provincial council, department directors, academics from the universities of Nineveh Governorate, and community figures. The participation of our college’s lecturers in the above conference represents its role in communicating and interacting with state departments and institutions, civil society organizations and their various activities, while working to harness the theoretical principles of legal sciences in practical application and the role of that in advancing and developing in various fields of life, regardless of their differences and diversity.

