13 November، 2013

Planning Unit and Informatics complete annual report for the year 2012/2013 successfully and Excellence ( college of Law)

Completed and Planning Unit and Informatics Annual Report Faculty of Law for the academic year 2012-2013 , which included information Baldrastin primary and higher in terms of admissions and successful , repeaters and Almagelin and التاركين and graduates of both studies and also ensure landlords teaching and administrative and technical support , as well as ensure conferences, symposia and seminars that have been completed during the academic year 2012 -2013 and ensure Ivadat faculty , administrators and missions الزملات school inside and outside Iraq and developmental programs , training and rehabilitation inside and outside Iraq and with reference to the Office legal Advisory and the number of continuing education courses that set up college serving the common good of society and construction projects within the college that were created within the year 201 y 2-2013 , as well as census preparation books methodology and assistance and the Masters and Diploma and Atarih doctorate , periodicals, pamphlets and manuals in the college library was complete annual report of superiority and excellence in collaboration with all disciplines and divisions and units college cooperating with us always in the completion of statistics and reports and inventories patrol.

