17 November، 2013

Preparatory Committee for the Annual Scientific Conference of the college of Law decides a set of steps for the distribution of tasks and organization

Preparatory Committee adopted the Annual Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law , a set of regulatory steps to work as follows:1. Re- formation of sub – committees and the designation of the heads of the committees and their members and rapporteurs .2. Distribution of tasks on those committees and guidance to start work and move each according to what was mandated obligations.3. Emphasis on the completion of rotor induction of the Conference ( the folder ) and the completion of the logo and themes that will be included in the conference.4. Emphasize the importance of holding meetings at the level of the sub – committees and to submit a report on the outcome of each meeting and submit it to decisions scientific conference .5. Taken to ensure the active participation and large in proceedings of this conference and ensure that foreign participation in order to become an international conference .6. Seeking to approach the concerned and interested parties axes and themes of the conference in order to contribute to support the work of the conference and enter as supportive or supporting parties of the College in this activity.7. Adoption of the periodic meetings on a weekly basis either at the level of the Preparatory Committee of all its members, or at the level of heads of sub-committees.8. Focus on the work of the Scientific Committee at the present time and work for the completion of the basic axes of the Conference and the formulation of the scientific objectives of the conference .

