7 January، 2021

Symposium _ College of law

Under the patronage of the respected Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, the President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of Dr. WissamNemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, the respected Dean of the Faculty, and under the follow-up of Dr. EchyadThamerNayef, the respected head of the private law branch,

On Monday 1/4/2021, the private law branch in our college, through the zoom app, held a seminar entitled (Legal aspects of the endowment propertiesWaqf))

The workshop began with reading what was available from the Holy Quran to the reader, Dr. Ali Muhammad Reda, then Dr. WissamNemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, the respected Dean of the College, gave a speech welcoming at the beginning of the respected Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, the respected President of the University of Mosul, the members of the Council of the University of Mosul, members of the faculty council, its scientific and administrative staff, and the honorable attendance Indicating the role of our college in identifying some issues of societal importance

The workshop started its work where a number of research papers were presented, where the first paper was presented by Dr. Yasser BasemThanoun, in which he explained the jurisprudential rule (the condition of the dedicated person as the text of the legislator) and according to this rule, the condition is considered to be standing in understanding and interpretation and must be respected and implemented as the obligation to act with the text of the street because it is issued by a respectable will

Dr. Muhammad Rafi Yunus presented a research paper entitled (Adapting the Waqf) in which he explained that the endowment is in a ruling that belongs to God Almighty, it is not sold, does not pledge, is not recommended, is not seized, loaned, or bequeathed until God inherits the land and what is on it, and then between the legal and legitimate adaptation of the endowment

Dr. Fathi Ali Fathi presented a research paper entitled (Endowment Replacement) in which he addressed some problems related to endowed funds with an explanation of legal solutions and the possibility of replacing the endowed eye with an eye or cash, meaning making something substitute for something else with a statement of the jurisprudential opinions related to the replacement as well as between the authorities authorized to exchange money Arrested

Finally, Dr. NizarHazem Muhammad presented a research paper in which he explained the civil liability of the endowment holder, as to preserve the endowment money, someone must manage and exploit it known as the trustee and he has two types of obligations, one of which is towards the endowment and the other towards others

Then the attendees asked a number of questions related to the topic of the seminar, which were answered by researchers in detail

In conclusion, certificates of appreciation and participation certificates were distributed to the president and members of the preparatory committee for the seminar and the researchers

This workshop comes within the series of scientific, cultural, student and community activities that our college holds, in which it deals with topics related to issues related to community life

