5 March، 2021

International Mother Language Day _

For the sake of the faculty deanship represented by Dr. WissamNemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, the respected dean of the faculty, and the members of the faculty council, and within the plans and programs set, aimed at achieving communication between the theoretical and practical aspects.

Our college has always shed light on the international days related to the societal process at the international level, which embody the international community’s interest in community life with its various activities. This has been clearly demonstrated by the interest of international organizations and national institutions in international days, as the world celebrates annually on February 21 the International Mother Language Day, which was announced For the first time on November 17, 1999, it was approved by the United Nations General Assembly

The celebration of this day aims to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education that can lead to the promotion of integration. UNESCO also believes that education based on the first language or mother tongue should start in the early years as part of childcare

The celebration embodies a call for policymakers, educators, educators, parents, mothers and families to expand their commitment to multilingual education and its inclusion in education to enhance the recovery of the operational process in the context of the Corona pandemic

This effort contributes to the United Nations International Decade for Indigenous Languages ​​for the period (2022-2032) led by UNESCO, and in its role and in the scientific and academic context, the Human Rights Law branch in our college, represented by its presidency and its affiliates, seeks to provide theoretical and research support in the way aimed at promoting international humanitarian celebrations in a way that contributes to achieving Societal goals

