6 August، 2023

International scientific symposium

Assistant Professor Dr. Saja Omar Shaaban, one of the teachers of the Private Law Branch at the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul, participated electronically in the activities of the international scientific symposium tagged legal personality of artificial intelligence held by the Blair Center for Artificial Intelligence in the Republic of Turkey, and the participation was represented by a specialized scientific intervention on the subject of the symposium, which witnessed local and international participation of Iraqi universities and institutions in addition to Arab and foreign universities, and at the end of the symposium, the participants were granted certificates of participation, and this participation comes within the plans The Deanship of our college and its programs in motivating its members to participate in scientific, research and cultural activities and events held by colleges, universities and other institutions related to legal sciences, which contributes to the development of talents and the development of scientific and cognitive capabilities and the role of this in scientific communication and cognitive interaction, which is reflected in the development of scientific outputs that provide distinguished services to the community of all categories and segments.

