5 October، 2023


The College of Law stands in mourning for the souls of the victims of the Hamdaniyah

Today, Sunday, October 1, 2023, Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, chaired a mourning vigil held in honor of the souls of the victims of the painful Hamdaniya incident, which claimed the lives of a large number of martyrs and wounded, and for the soul of the martyr of our college, student Silvana Nihad Yalda / fourth stage. Who was martyred in the painful accident. The vigil was attended by the members of the College Council and its members, including teachers, employees, and students, during which Surat Al-Fatihah was read to the souls of the victims, and words were delivered that expressed sadness and pain, and standing by our people in Al-Hamdaniya district to overcome the effects of this painful, catastrophic incident, with prayers for their protection. Iraq and its people are from the evil of accidents and engagements.

