5 October، 2023

Student meeting

In view of the start of the new academic year 2023-2024 and the commencement of primary school students in official work, and within the series of periodic meetings of the President and members of the College Council with its scientific and administrative staff and students, and in order to maintain scientific and knowledge communication, and in the presence of Professor Dr. Muhammad Siddiq Muhammad Abdullah, Assistant Dean for Scientific and Student Affairs, and Assistant Professor Dr. Luqman Othman Ahmed, an official. The Educational Guidance Committee in our college. Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, met on Monday, the second of October 2023, with the students of the fourth stage. At the beginning of the meeting, he welcomed our dear students, wishing them an academic year full of scientific excellence and cognitive prosperity, stressing the importance of adhering to the laws. And ministerial and university regulations and instructions, pointing to the need to adhere to the timings of academic lectures, taking into account social and university values and norms in the relationship with the faculty member and their fellow students, pointing to the role of the college in preparing many awareness plans and programs that ensure scientific and cognitive preparation, in addition to its role in explaining the extent of the dangers of negative phenomena that threaten security. Society and its stability in general, and the youth group in particular. He also explained to our students the importance of the ministerial evaluation exam and the necessity of exerting more scientific effort, referring to the mechanism used in preparing solid scientific research that is commensurate with the distinguished scientific status of our college and university at the level of Iraqi colleges and universities, expressing the college’s readiness, represented by its deanship and its cadres, in seeking to overcome any problem. A dilemma that may face our dear students who are preparing scientific projects that contribute to the process of development and prosperity in our proud Iraq.

