16 October، 2023

community study

Based on the directives of the Presidency of the University of Mosul, represented by Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, and the members of the University Council, on the importance of community interaction and communication, and in accordance with the plans of the Deanship of our college, represented by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, and the members of the College Council, working to spread the legal culture among the segments of society. And its various segments, in addition to communication and interaction with state departments and institutions, a community study was completed entitled Standards for the Protection of Human Rights under the Convention against Torture of 1984, submitted by Dr. Yassin Mayser Aziz and Dr. Abdullah Thanoun Abdullah to the High Commission for Human Rights/Nineveh Office, which dealt with the concept of torture. Its types and countries characterized by the prevalence of the crime of torture and Iraq’s position on the Convention against Torture, in addition to the legal and legislative consequences of the Convention against Torture. The study concluded with recommendations that emphasized the importance of education and legal awareness among the entire society and enhancing the necessary training for individuals who deal with detainees and suspects, as well as strengthening roles and responsibilities. Entrusted with human rights institutions and providing them with the necessary support to work to protect human rights and prevent torture, this study comes within a series of research studies and specialized research presented by professors and teaching staff of our college in the context of its work in presenting scientific and research achievements and the role of that in protecting the rights and freedoms provided by national legislation and international instruments. Protection to achieve societal stability for the individual and the family, which is the first building block for building a safe and stable society.

