24 June، 2021

Meeting _ College of law

According to the directions of Assistant Professor Dr. WissamNemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul

Assistant Professor Dr. Khalaf Ramadan Muhammad, Associate Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, met on Sunday, 6/13/2021 with the administrative staff of the college, where he welcomed the honorable attendance at the beginning of the meeting and directed everyone to adhere to social distancing and the instructions of the crisis cell regarding the Corona pandemic, in addition to the need to follow the administrative procedures for granting Leave for the injured according to the laws and instructions related to the public job. He also stressed the need to abide by the instructions of the civil defense guards. With regard to granting study leave for employees applying for postgraduate studies, he explained that there are legally specific controls regarding the conditions for granting study leave to the employee, whether he is an employee on the permanent staff or an employee under contract

At the end of the meeting, the associate wished everyone success

