27 October، 2023


Master’s thesis in the private law branch on the subscription contract for private electric generator service/a comparative study,,,
On Sunday, October 22, 2023, the Private Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul discussed a master’s thesis on the subscription contract for private electric generator service/a comparative study, part of which was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, and a number of College Council members and faculty.
The thesis submitted by student Haneen Ali Yahya in the private law branch dealt with the subscription contract for the service of private electric generators, which is one of the modern and common contracts in contemporary society and which was created by the need in light of the great shortage in the hours of supplying national electrical energy. Therefore, there must be a legal regulation for the subscription contract. With the service of private electric generators, due to the specificity of this contract in all its aspects, especially and mainly in terms of the nature of its place (the electrical service), which requires special attention, whether at the level of production, processing, or use. Therefore, the provisions to which the subscription contract for the service of private electric generators is subject differ somewhat from those Those provisions that regulate other contracts.
The letter aims to explain that there is no special legislation regulating the contract for subscription to the service of private electric generators, despite the importance of this contract at the present time, as it is one of the contracts that provides a necessary and important service to the individual, namely the electrical service, and that what governs this contract is nothing more than rules and regulations specific to the subject. The research is insufficient compared to the importance and necessity of this contract.
The discussion committee was chaired by Professor Dr. Yousra Walid Ibrahim, the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Fathi Ali Fathi, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Obaid Awaid, and the membership and supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Raida Muhammad Mahmoud.

