27 October، 2023

Scientific workshop

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, under the supervision and presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law, the members of the College Council, and Professor Dr. Sultan Abdullah Mahmoud, Dean of the College of Law at Al-Kitab University, and with the follow-up of Professor Dr. Muhammad Abbas Hamoudi, Head of the Public Law Branch, and in cooperation with the Education Unit. On Thursday, October 26, 2023, the Public Law Branch held its scientific workshop entitled Challenges of Criminal Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. The workshop sessions were moderated by Assistant Professor Dr. Abbas Fadel Saeed, where Dr. Osama Ahmed Mohamed presented his research paper in which he addressed the emergence of intelligence. Artificial intelligence and its nature, in which he touched on the stages of development of artificial intelligence, its importance in the criminal field, the legal nature of artificial intelligence technologies, and the extent of the possibility of recognizing a new type of legal personality for these technologies in order to determine who bears the criminal responsibility arising from crimes of artificial intelligence technologies. Then, Dr. Israa Younis Hadi presented her paper. The research paper, which dealt with the legal implications resulting from artificial intelligence errors, the arguments for and against criminal liability for artificial intelligence, and identifying the parties to criminal liability for artificial intelligence applications and the resulting consequences. Then, Dr. Talal Abd Hussein presented his research paper in which he addressed the criminal liability arising from artificial intelligence vehicle accidents and classification. approved and the legislative position for these vehicle accidents and the elements of the superiority of the automated pilot of artificial intelligence vehicles in perception and decision-making ability, along with an explanation of the basis of criminal liability within the scope of artificial intelligence. The above workshop came out with a number of recommendations that were submitted to the relevant authorities. The workshop witnessed a remarkable attendance. To researchers, academics, and those interested in legal affairs who asked many questions and inquiries about the topic of the workshop, which were answered in detail by those in charge of it. In conclusion, the Dean of the College distributed certificates of appreciation to the participants in the workshop, which comes within a series of scientific, research, cultural, and student activities of our college during the current academic year 2023-2024.

