5 November، 2023

Discussion panel,,

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law, and the members of the College Council, and in the presence of Professor Dr. Munir Salem Taha, Assistant President of the University of Mosul for Scientific Affairs, the Central Committee for Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance was held in our college on Monday, corresponding to October 30, 2023 The discussion session tagged effective methods for correct study and methods for strengthening memory, whose lectures were delivered by Dr. Safia Adeeb Ibrahim, head of the psychological division at the College of Medicine at the University of Mosul, where she first demonstrated the role of guidance in communication between the teaching staff and the student and its contribution to building bridges of trust between the two parties as follows: Which works to overcome any dilemma that the student may face in his university career and his role in building an integrated and solid scientific personality, while explaining the importance of the motivation that is the reason for the student entering a specific study and specializing in a specialty that matches his intellectual interests and mental abilities, while clarifying that the motivation may be internal, specific to the individual or Externally, subject to the surrounding circumstances, confirming that the study has its methods and methods that are compatible with the individual’s memory and thought. It may be based on visual or video viewing or reliance on the audio method, and it may be a combination that combines the two methods above. It may be possible to develop a method specific to the individual or replace an approved method with another method. Also, The teaching staff must follow a specific method that has a role in conveying information to the largest possible number of students, taking into account the intellectual and mental difference and the level of comprehension among the students, and the necessity of moving away from the traditional method of indoctrination, which has proven its failure in retaining the information because the result is immediate, as the goal of the study is to retain the information. The longest period of time with the possibility of resorting to the group method, or the student writing the study lecture in his own style, or using the method of initialing the study lecture paragraphs and abbreviating them with a specific word, or relying on the spatial method, which has a role in remembering the information and restoring memory for it according to the place in which the study took place, with the necessity of placing The student must have a strategy for time management, preferably scheduled and written for a specific period, which may be weekly or monthly, showing priorities and evaluating them periodically, noting that the best percentage of completion that human capabilities can achieve does not exceed 80% in the best circumstances, with an explanation that the established schedule must be divided in a manner that takes into account timing. Study and rest, while setting aside time for sudden and emergency circumstances, avoiding the method of procrastination and procrastination and the resulting academic accumulation of scientific vocabulary, and avoiding exaggerated idealism and repeated errors in the method of study, anxiety and tension, and interacting with the teacher, who must update his information to avoid any embarrassment and keep up with scientific progress in the specialty, noting the importance of It is necessary to preserve human thinking and its renewed nerve cells on a regular basis by following healthy methods of nutrition, adequate sleep, staying away from stimulants, studying at least an hour before sleep and an hour before the test, maintaining psychological stability and nervous calm as much as possible with self-confidence and the ability to achieve, especially since the memory storage of information is limited. A close relationship with what was mentioned above. The seminar witnessed a remarkable presence of researchers, academics, and students who asked many questions and inquiries about its topic, which were answered in detail by those in charge of it. At the conclusion of the seminar, the Deanship of the College honored Dr. Safia Adeeb Ibrahim with a certificate of appreciation in appreciation of her distinguished efforts in the above episode, which It comes within a series of scientific, research, academic and student activities of our college during the current academic year 2023-2024.

