1 September، 2024

Scientific lecture

Assistant Professor Dr. Suha Hamid Salim, one of the lecturers of the Human Rights Law Department at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, participated via cyberspace on Friday, August 16, 2024, in the cultural lecture entitled (The Impact of Smart Program Applications on Human Development) held by the International Cooperation Foundation for Sustainable Development in cooperation with the European Nile University / Iraq Branch, where the lecture addressed many questions related to smart programs that can contribute effectively to achieving human development. The lecture also included many interventions by the attendees, which were answered in detail by the researchers. The above participation comes within the efforts of the Deanship of our college to motivate its members to participate in the scientific, research and cultural activities and events held by colleges, universities and scientific institutions and the role of this in developing capabilities and developing scientific, research and academic skills and experiences.

