3 September، 2024

Scientific Seminar

Dr. Suha Hamid Salim, one of the lecturers of the Human Rights Law Department at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, participated via cyberspace on Thursday, August 29, 2024, in the work of the scientific seminar entitled (Political Participation between History and Modernity) held by the Continuing Education Center at Tikrit University, where the seminar enjoyed active participation by specialists in law and political science. The participation was represented by a specialized scientific intervention on the topic of the seminar, which played a role in enriching and strengthening the seminar. The above participation also expresses the extent of the interest of the Deanship of our college in the scientific, research and cultural activities and events held by scientific institutions, colleges and other universities and motivating their members to participate in the above activities in a way that contributes to learning about everything new and innovative in the field of general and precise specialization.

