3 September، 2024

Erbil Forum 2024

Professor Dr. Muhammad Izzat Fadhel, one of the lecturers of the Public Law Department at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, participated in the Erbil Forum 2024 on the federal system, where the participation was about (The federal system in Iraq, form and structure between the necessity of completion, reservations and differences in political viewpoints) held by the Council of Representatives in Erbil in cooperation with the European Foundation for Dialogue and Development in the presence of the Minister of Justice in the Kurdistan Region and advisors to the Council of Representatives and a number of representatives and officials, in addition to the presence of constitutional experts from Germany, Italy and Spain. The participation was represented by the research paper entitled (Prospects for the Success of Financial Federalism in Iraq), and the above participation comes within a series of scientific, research, cultural and academic participations of our college members and their role in working to spread legal culture among the various segments and classes of society.

