17 September، 2024

Meeting with people with special needs

In the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, the Psychological Guidance and Educational Guidance Committee in our college met on Sunday, September 16, 2024, on the occasion of the start of the new academic year 2024-2025, with a number of our college students with special needs. During the meeting, their most prominent needs and requirements that contribute to facilitating their academic career were identified. The most prominent obstacles facing them were also reviewed and ways to overcome them were discussed. This meeting comes within a series of periodic meetings of the President and members of the College Council with its affiliates and students, as well as the pivotal role and distinguished efforts of the President and members of the Psychological Guidance and Educational Guidance Committee in shedding light on the most prominent dilemmas facing our dear students of different categories and segments, as they are considered construction projects and a basic pillar in the path of development and advancement in our proud Iraq. The above committee also seeks to provide the best proposals, especially for the category of people with special needs, in providing the best appropriate educational environment For their circumstances and to ensure the quality of the educational process.

