22 September، 2024


Master’s thesis in the Human Rights Law Branch on the effectiveness of the accused’s guarantees before the International Criminal Court in promoting human rights,,,
The Human Rights Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul discussed on Sunday, September 22, 2024, a master’s thesis on the effectiveness of the accused’s guarantees before the International Criminal Court in promoting human rights, attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, and a number of members of the College Council and its lecturers.

The thesis submitted by researcher Majid Musharraf, named in the Human Rights Law Branch, addressed the international interest in human rights issues that resulted in the establishment of the International Criminal Court in 1998. Within this, jurisdiction is one of the main issues, especially since this requires the court to enjoy full and independent jurisdictions to ensure the continuity of its work with vitality and complete independence.

The thesis aims to demonstrate that human rights cannot be reduced to slogans or legal texts and documents that addressed them and demonstrated their social, political and legal position in a person’s life, but rather this requires achieving their applications and maintaining them on the ground.
The discussion committee was headed by Professor Dr. Ahmed Tariq Yassin, and included Assistant Professor Dr. Faris Muhammad Hussein, Assistant Professor Dr. Zeina Zuhair Muhammad, and the membership and supervision of Professor Dr. Muhammad Abbas Hamoudi.

