3 November، 2022

Research for a higher diploma in human rights law on the – College of law

Research for a higher diploma in human rights law on the right of peoples to democracy,,,
The Human Rights Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul discussed a high diploma research on the right of peoples to democracy, a part of which was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College and a number of members of the College Council and its teachers.
The research presented by the student Mezher Enhab Saleh dealt with the branch of democratic human rights law, which is at present a criterion for the legitimacy of every political system in the world. Among the democratic transformations that established the rules of freedom under the rule of law and respect for freedoms in countries in which the transformation process has succeeded, which is difficult and complex and passes through many stages.
The study aims to show that democracy is a Greek innovation and its concept has a special attraction that made it gain great attention by scholars and thinkers and one of the most prominent characteristics of institutional democracy and awareness, equality and relativism.
The discussion committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Suhaib Khaled Jassim, the school’s membership was Dr. Rafal Hassan Hamed, and the membership and supervision of Professor Dr. Muhammad Younis Yahya.

