5 December، 2022

scientific workshop – College of law

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Qusai Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, and in the presence of the members of the College Council, the Human Rights Law Branch in our college held on Thursday, December 1, 2022, its scientific workshop tagged with violence against women. And its impact on family disintegration, where Dr. Suha Hamid Selim presented her research paper in which she indicated that the family is the first building block for building society, referring to the meaning of the family, whose narrow meaning represents the close circle that represents the husband and wife, and the broad meaning that includes brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, indicating some official statistics Submitted by international organizations in which she referred to the increasing rate of crimes of violence against women. She also clarified the legal adaptation of crimes of violence against women according to what was indicated by international charters and instruments, national laws and legislation, indicating the characteristics of the above crime and its causes. Then, Dr. Shaima Abdel Sattar Jabr presented her research paper in which she indicated that The family is the main incubator in raising generations to preserve the ancient values and traditions Communities, which actively contribute to the progress and growth of society, as it is considered the first social system known to humanity. Therefore, the failure of families to adhere to values, customs, traditions and laws generates the opposite result of family disintegration. Then Dr. Hala Ahmed Muhammad presented her research paper in which she explained the role of international treaties and instruments in providing protection The family’s legal rights, referring to its basic rights, referring to the minimum level of legal protection that must be provided to the family and its members, of which women are one of its main pillars. on her .

