19 December، 2022

Arabic_language_National_Day  – College of law

In the interest of the Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul and the members of the College Council to disseminate legal culture among the groups and segments of society, the College of Law, represented by the Human Rights Law Branch, has always been celebrating international days and highlighting them, as the world celebrates the International Day of the Arabic Language, and this date has been chosen Precisely to celebrate the Arabic language because it is the day on which the General Assembly of the United Nations took its decision that the Arabic language be the sixth official language in the organization, being the day on which HYPERLINK was issued “https://undocs.org/en/A/RES/3190(XXVIII)” t “_blank” General Assembly Resolution 3190 (XXVIII) of 18 December 1973 concerning the inclusion of Arabic among the official and working languages of the United Nations.
Where the Arabic language is considered a pillar of the cultural diversity of humanity. It is one of the most widespread and used languages in the world, as it is spoken daily by more than 400 million inhabitants of the globe, and the world celebrates the International Day of the Arabic Language on the eighteenth of December of each year.
The Arabic language, in its various oral and written forms and styles, eloquent and colloquial, and its various prose and poetic lines and arts, created wonderful aesthetic verses that capture hearts and enchant the hearts in various fields that include, but are not limited to, geometry, poetry, philosophy and singing. The Arabic language allows entry to a world full of diversity in all its forms and manifestations, including the diversity of origins, stripes and beliefs. The history of the Arabic language abounds with evidence that shows the many and close links it has with a number of other world languages, as the Arabic language was a catalyst for the production and dissemination of knowledge, and helped transfer Greek and Roman scientific and philosophical knowledge to Europe in the Renaissance era.
The Arabic language is famous for its richness, depth and creativity. This language was able to be a comprehensive language for the various countries of the Arab world. It brought together peoples through a language that carries with it the fragrance of history, similar cultural features and interconnected ideas as a result of its adherence to the true Islamic religion.
In the framework of supporting and highlighting the historical role played by the Arabic language, the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul is pleased to celebrate the International Day of the Arabic Language, as it is a means to advance dialogue and lay the foundations for peace, and the common pillar and link that embodies the richness of human existence. 2022 is of great importance in societies in which globalization, digitization and multilingualism are increasing, as it recognizes the changing nature of the world and the urgent need to enhance dialogue between nations and peoples.
International Events Committee /
human rights branch
college of Law/
University of Al Mosul .

