21 December، 2022

certificates of appreciation – College of law

In view of the distinguished role of the Chairman and members of the Scientific Committee, the Preparatory Committee, and members of the UNESCO Chair in the scientific conference marked Education for Peace, which was held by the Presidency of the University of Mosul in cooperation with UNESCO in Paris for the period 29-30 November 2022, they were honored with certificates of appreciation by Professor Dr. Qabas Hassan Awwad, Chair of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Mosul. Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim, Dean of the College, was also honored with a certificate of appreciation for his distinguished role in the dialogue session of the above conference. In turn, the Deanship of our College and the members of the College Council and its scientific and administrative staff and its honored students wish them more creativity and giving. On the sidelines of the above honors, members of the UNESCO Chair Committee visited a number of our university’s faculties for the purpose of introducing the chair and its tasks and future activities. global ranks.

