10 January، 2023

The Assistant President for – College of law

The Assistant President for Administrative Affairs inspects the first and second campuses of the University of Mosul….
On a night tour… Today, Sunday, January 8, 2023, Prof. Waheed Mahmoud Al-Ibrahimi, Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, accompanied by the Director of Follow-up, inspected the campus and the second college complex…
In the late hours of the night… familiar with the functioning of the schedules of the civil defense guards, to which the university members, teachers and employees, are subject to in order to preserve the safety of the university’s property from emergency accidents… listening to the proposals and opinions put forward by the members in order to perpetuate this momentum and overcome Obstacles and preserving the university’s achievements as it regains its health and its beautiful face…
Urging everyone to join efforts to serve the university and its people…

