19 November، 2019

Training course/ Methods of using fluid therapy in critical cases

Between 25th-26thof November 2019, Department of Internal and Preventive Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine will organise a training course, titled: “Methods of using fluid therapy in critical cases.”. This training course will bring veterinarians to refresh their knowledge and experience in the field of internal medicine. It aims to establish good understanding of the principles of fluid therapy in critical cases. Thiscourse includes theoretical and practical information.The preliminary program is as follows:First day09:00Registration.09.00-09.15 Opening session and welcoming.09:15-10-15 Introduction to fluid therapy.(Dr. Osamah Aliraqi)10:15-10:45 Conditions that requiring fluid therapy (Dr. Maab Al-Farwachi)10:45-11.00 Coffee.11:00-12:00 Methods of administration and calculation of doses for fluid therapy.(Dr. Sadam Hasan)Second day09:00-11:30 Methods of administration and calculation of doses for fluid therapy (practical). (Dr.Khder J. Hussain, Hadeel Asim, Koder Al Azow)11:00Close.

