16 April، 2019

A lecture given by Assist. Prof. Intisar Ghanim Taha from our college for Fourth year students / science depoartment

As part of the activities held by science department in our college , Assistant Prof. Intisar Ghanim Taha gave on Tuesday 9/4/2019 a lecture for fourth year students entitled (effective learning : the conditions , and its positive impact on students ) the lecturer showed that school is the place where students gain knowledge and information . In order to deliver it correctly the reliance is on the teacher . the lecture highlighted the most important features and characteristics and skills needed by the teacher to be successful and ideal . He must be , above all be well-0informed in contact with the updatews in modern methodologies and apply them as much as possible when teaching . he must have strong , cooperative , tolerated and disciplined for the benefit of both teacher and students . He must be intelligent . The lecture ended with ascertaining the necessity of communicating with the students ‘ parents whether in successes or failures

