21 February، 2020

Mr. Dean, College of Basic Education, with the deans of colleges, hosted by Father Raed Adel, Shepherd of the Annunciation Church in Mosul.

Judging from the mission of the University of Mosul, represented by the honorable President of the University, Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, for extending bridges of communication with society, Professor Dr. Saleh Ardini, Dean of the College of Basic Education, participated in a visit with a delegation from the deans of the Faculties of the Annunciation Church in the city of Mosul, and they were received by the honorable Father Raed Adel , The delegation included :Prof. Dr. Taha Hamad Mokhlif .. Dean of Islamic Sciences CollegeProf. Dr. Saleh Ardeni .. Dean of Basic Education CollegeProf. Dr. Hazim Thanon Ismail .. Dean of Faculty of Humanities EducationAsst. Prof. Dr. Nshaat Mubarak Slewa .. Dean of Fine Arts CollegeAsst. Prof. Dr. Huyam Adel Al-taiee .. Dean of the College of ScienceAnd Dr. Thabit Mahdi Hamadi .. Associate Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences for Scientific AffairsDuring the visit, the two sides had exchanges to promote the values of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. The need for national cohesion among the people of the country, and the father’s

