11 March، 2020

Holding a workshop on E-learning in the College of Basic Education

Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Saleh Erdeni, Dean of the College of Basic Education, and under the direct supervision of Professor Dr. Tawfiq Othman, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, on Wednesday 11/3/2020 a special workshop was held on electronic education in the college and how to create electronic classes (Google classroom) ,Where the workshop included three lectures, the first was presented by Dr. Muhannad Hazim Salih teacher in the Department of Kindergarten, in which he explained an overview of electronic education, its importance and the most important means that can be used in this field, and the necessity of its use by every teacher and student. The second lecture was given by Professor Dr. Muhammad Tawfiq Othman included a detailed practical explanation of how to create an electronic lecture and convert the text into a video and audio file. An explanation was made of the edpuzzle program for interactive video work for students and how to publish it on the (google classroom) website. And Lect. Asst. Ammar Samir Anaz, the third lecture, in which he explained how to create an electronic class on the official email and how to manage this class and add teachers ,students ,study materials ,questions and tests in it. Before attending this workshop and lectures, many questions were asked and were answered by Professor Dr. Muhammad Tawfiq Othman.

