14 August، 2020

Participation of Prof. Walid Khaled Hummam from the College of Basic Education in an international scientific symposium for the Ministry of Sports and Youth

Prof. Walid Khaled Hummam from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the College of Basic Education has participated in the international scientific symposium of the Ministry of Sports and Youth entitled (Attracting and developing youth is everyone’s responsibility). Lectures were given in the symposium by the participants, which consisted of several axes, including (Mechanisms for assimilation of youth in clubs and forums ), after the speech of the head of the sports administration branch, who spoke about youth and how to take care of them at this time, the professor of sports administration, Dr. Walid Khaled Hummam, was included in the scientific committee of the symposium .. and his research paper was presented, in which he confirmed .. that the teacher is in the College of Basic Education at the University Mosul … must pay attention to occupying the spare time by highlighting the role of clubs and activating the cultural and scientific programs for this category, so the task is from society.. The symposium came out with a number of recommendations that were put forward by professors from the Sports Administration Branch via the cyberspace on Zoom platform ….. and that was on Wednesday 8/12/2020.

