20 September، 2020

Students of the Faculty of Basic Education take the final exams – the second round of the academic year 2019 – 2020

Under direct supervision by Asst. Prof. Dr. Safaa al-Din Abdullah Suleiman, Dean of the Faculty of Basic Education , and under the supervision and management of electronic platform of Edmodo of Professor Dr. Mohammed Tawfiq Othman, Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Central Exam Committee, the students of the Faculty of Basic Education have perform on Sunday, September 20, 2020 their first day of the final exams / the second-round and under the supervision of all the exam committees in the scientific sections and the central committee in the deanship, at the beginning of the exam the students were met via the Meet platform and communicate with them to make sure that the participants attended the exam and to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles faced by students to join the exam.

