Vision, mission, and objectives


The English Department seeks a comprehensive vision for a modern and advanced department that participates in the education and training process and graduates competent, responsible and disciplined teaching staff who are distinguished by their professional performance skills and develop students’ abilities to serve their country.


The message that the English Department wants to present to the community is to develop students’ proficiency in the English language by enhancing the educational process that aims to train students and improve their linguistic proficiency to achieve progress in the educational sector and keep pace with continuous scientific development and modern trends in training and teaching to meet students’ scientific and linguistic requirements, as the department relies on professors with extensive experience in the fields of language.


  • Developing language teaching and objective vocational training in English in a distinctive way.
  • Training and preparing students to be teachers in primary schools.
  • Developing students’ intellectual abilities and academic linguistic skills and enhancing their belonging to the teaching profession.
  • Developing and updating the teaching and learning processes according to sound academic foundations.
  • Adopting quality standards in the English language.
  • Providing students with the opportunity to join applied specializations.
  • Developing the capabilities of faculty members through in-service training programs and scientific research.
  • Strengthening relations and exchanging experiences and information with corresponding English language departments.
  • Providing the community with specialized educational cadres in the English language and its curricula.
  • Preparing training programs that aim to develop capabilities and professional performance, enhance experiences and raise teaching efficiency.