Vision, mission, and objectives


To achieve leadership in rehabilitating and qualifying distinguished teaching staff for the first grades of primary school according to the best international programs in the field of preparing primary school teachers in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of the era.


To provide an active interactive environment for students that helps in preparing them academically, behaviorally and professionally in a distinguished manner and to provide high-level expertise that contributes to producing modern educational knowledge in this field that serves society and meets the needs of the labor market.


  • Preparing qualified cadres of teachers to work in teaching in the primary stage for the first grades in primary schools affiliated with the Ministry of Education.
  • Raising the qualitative level in preparing cadres by providing a deep qualitative based on modern educational theories.
  • Focusing on the scientific aspect and providing advisory services in the field of education for specialists in the primary grades for educational and social entities that provide services to students at this stage, whether governmental or private.
  • Holding specialized training courses for workers in the field of education independently or in cooperation with various sectors of society.
  • Conducting specialized research and studies in the field of education for the primary stage, especially the first grades.