Department of Islamic Education

Ass.Pr.Dr. : Abdulmojod Othman Ali Mirza AL- Ejraisi

Head of Department

Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and upon all his family and companions. The Department of Islamic Education is one of the departments of the College of Basic Education. The department was established in 2003. The department works to prepare students enlightened by the light of the noble Sharia, based on tolerance and seeking excuses for all people and far from extremism and extremism. Thanks to God Almighty, there are two primary and postgraduate studies in the department (Master’s), with a total of about 400 male and female students. The bachelor’s degree takes four years, after which the student graduates and is awarded a bachelor’s degree in Islamic education. As for the master’s degree, within two years the student is granted a master’s degree as well in Islamic education. As for the teaching staff, by the grace of God Almighty, there is an elite group of eminent professors and scholars in the department who work to highlight the image of the department in a manner that pleases God Almighty. In addition to their ongoing advocacy activity with the community. In conclusion, we ask God to make us servants of His religion and to be preachers in the path of His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Column 1 Column 2
Curriculum vitae Lectures via power point
Application Research of teaching staff
Vision, mission, and objectives Letters and theses
Links of teaching and learning Graduation projects
Lectures Written books
Academic descriptions Educational subjects
Teaching staff Descriptions of academic subjects
Schedule Results of students
Contact Us Column 2 Value 9