Vision, mission, and objectives


Activating curricula for preparing special education teachers according to contemporary developments and future developments in modern educational programs and technologies.


Providing students with advanced knowledge and basic skills in teaching and diagnosing people with special needs, in addition to possessing research capabilities in the educational field and developing their capabilities in various fields, which makes it easier for them to deal with special education categories.


  • Preparing specialized scientific cadres in the field of special education to teach people with special needs.
  • Developing the cognitive and professional aspect of the department’s teachers through research and scientific fellowships and field visits to learn about the reality of special education in developed countries.
  • Building appropriate tests and measures to identify and diagnose the type of disabilities and educational difficulties of students.
  • Activating continuing education courses in order to familiarize special education teachers with the latest specialized developments in the field of special education and provide them with scientific advice.
  • Cooperating with civil society institutions to activate the laws issued regarding people with special needs.