Department of First Grades Teacher

Head of Department

Assistant Professor Dr.

Yasser Ahmed Mikhail

The First Grade Teacher Department was established in 2019. The department aims to achieve development and excellence in providing distinguished scientific, educational and educational services in various subjects at the bachelor’s level and in the fields of academic teaching, scientific research and community service. It grants a bachelor’s degree in the primary stage specialization to grant the graduate the status of an academic university teacher. The specialization of the department’s faculty includes a variety of teaching methods, psychology, and specialization in Arabic language and history. Some of them hold the degree of assistant professor, teacher and assistant teacher. The department building contains the department head’s room and two adjacent rooms, which are the curriculum and the morning department head’s secretary, and three rooms for male and female teachers, in addition to three classrooms. The department seeks to graduate qualified academic male and female teachers who work to raise the level of academic education in schools. Contribute to scientific activities by holding seminars and conferences in the department and support cultural and scientific life with the contributions of the department’s professors at the University of Mosul.

العمود 1 العمود 2
السيرة الذاتية محاضرات عبر باور بوينت
طلب البحث عن أعضاء هيئة التدريس
الرؤية والرسالة والأهداف رسائل ورسائل
روابط التعليم والتعلم مشاريع التخرج
المحاضرات كتب مكتوبة
الأوصاف الأكاديمية المواد التعليمية
هيئة التدريس وصف المواد الدراسية
جدول نتائج الطلاب
اتصل بنا العمود 2 القيمة 9