College of basic education department of Arabic language debated a M A thesis on Monday 18/3/2024 on hall of college of political sciences dean of college, his academic assistant, head of department of Arabic language [Read More]
Council board of college of basic education held it's periodical meeting presided by dean . Academic, administrative assistants and heads of departments attended the meeting and discussed related issues on Sunday 17/3/2024
College of basic education department of history debated a M A thesis on Sunday 17/3/2024 on umulra been hall dean of college his academic and administrative assistants and some members of teaching staff of department [Read More]
A member of teaching staff of department of special education college of basic education was named a member of debating committee of an M A thesis at college of education for humanities on Thursday 14/3/2024
Committee of dormitories paid a visit to alfarouk dormitory for males on Tuesday 12/3/2024 to follow up their needs
College of basic education unit of sustainable development in collaboration with unit of studies and planning organized a symposium about national planting dayon Tuesday 12/3)2024
Specialized course
College of basic education department of Arabic language gave a specialized course on Tuesday 12/3/2024
Unit of students activities in collaboration with department of physical education and sport sciences concluded tournament of fotsu on Sunday 10/3/2024
A member of teaching staff of department of history college of basic education was named a member of debating committee of an M A thesis at department of history college of arts university of Kirkuk [Read More]
College of basic education unit of students activities in collaboration with department of physical education and sport sciences held second tournament of dead lift on Sunday 10/3/2024
Morning meeting
College of basic education/unit of women affairs in collaboration with unit of continuous learning gave a late morning meeting on Sunday 10/3/2024
College of basic education /department of islamic education debated a M A thesis on Sunday 10/3/2024 on umulra been hall dean of college of basic education, his administrative assistant and some members of teaching staff [Read More]
University of Mosul/college of basic education hosted mental calculation/ stage 2 held by gifted school in Nineveh under the patronage of ministry of education/committee of attending gifted pupils and state administrate of education of Nineveh [Read More]
A member of teaching staff of department of kindergarten participated in second course of advanced methodologies based on inclusion as an authorised trainer
College of basic education/committee of women affairs in collaboration with unit of continuous learning a gathering of inspiring women leaders in international women's day on Wednesday 6/3/2024
A research of a member of teaching staff of department of English language got a 13,944 reading at global researchers gate site and came third as the most read research in college's site
As part of extra pedagogical activities college of basic education department of first graders in collaboration with unit of continuous learning paid a visit to museum of mosul's heritage on Wednesday 6/3/2024
Field trip
As part of extra pedagogical activities college of basic education department of mathematics made a visit to orphanages of boys and girls some members of teaching staff accompanied third year students in this visit on [Read More]
College of basic education in collaboration with department of physical education and sport sciences and blood bank in city of Mosul made a campaign of blood donation on Thursday 7/3/2024
Teaching staff of zahratulhuda for girls accompanied their pupils visited college of basic education/ department of sciences on Thursday 7/3/2024